Copying your database to the cloud with Database CC: lets you protect, prepare, monitor, scale, and analyze like never before.
Get enterprise-level benefits in minutes, without IT effort.
Whatever happens to your data and your infrastructure, Database CC’s snapshots of your database stay safe.
You can add automatic encryption, keys for your trusted colleagues, and even decryption codes that you keep in a physical vault.
Database CC: doesn’t just copy your database—it’s smart. It can tell you when your database is down, slow, or corrupted, and when it’s being hurt by bad SQL or “insertion attacks” by hackers.
It can even tell you when your data changes in ways that matter to your business: missing records, pricing errors, promising or alarming trends.
Failure to scale can ruin your users’ experience just when it’s most critical. Database CC: can create and synchronize many copies of your database, to support many times the level of usage.
Global load balancing and automatic failover make sure that users rapidly access a working copy, wherever they are. No complicated administration required.
Take a snapshot of your database just once, and use it for a perfect runthrough every time—whether for a demo or a regression test.
It’s easy enough for your sales and testing teams to do themselves. You can even do it automatically from your regression testing software.
Understanding how your data changes over time is crucial to successful business strategy. Database CC: analyzes historical snapshots of your data to find the trends that matter to you.
You can graph analyses, save and re-run them, share them with your colleagues, and publish them on Slack and elsewhere.